AO/OTA Fracture Classification 2018─new resources and tools available online

The 2018 revisions to the AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium are now being implemented in AOTrauma course materials. In preparation for this rollout, Faculty can find helpful new resources and tools on the AOTrauma webpage.


After a successful launch in the January 2018 supplement of the Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, the 2018 revisions to the AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium are now being implemented in AOTrauma course materials, beginning with the Basic Principles of Fracture Management course via the online Faculty Support Package.


In preparation for this rollout, AOTrauma Faculty can find the Classification Compendium as a readable PDF at:, along with important new resources and tools such as:


  • Educational video of James Kellam introducing the 2018 revisions
  • Informational booklet as a downloadable PDF summarizing all the major revisions
  • Link to the updated AO/OTA Fracture Classification app available free for download (for IOS and Android devices)


As the most practical, easy-to-use platform for classifying fractures using the new 2018 revisions, the updated AO/OTA Fracture Classification app serves as an invaluable tool for Faculty teaching the Classification, as well as for learners using the Classification for the first time.


Recognized as a keystone to education at AO, the AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium is a fundamental element of AOTrauma course curricula and an essential body of knowledge for AOTrauma Faculty.





  1. AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification Compendium—2018
  2. AO/OTA Fracture Classification App on the App Store
  3. Informational booklet: a brief overview to all major revisions to the AO/OTA Classification (12Mb)




FacultyFocus 1-2018



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