Bryan Ashman



Education Commission


FacultyFocus 1-2019

In this issue we have an announcement of our new Faculty Definitions, a detailed report of our innovative Hospital Based Simulation Courses and information about the AO Program for Education and Excellence in Research (AOPEER), which is available for all AOSpine members.


Welcome to the latest edition of Faculty Focus.


In this edition we proudly share with you the concept of our new Hospital Based Simulation Courses, which were first piloted in our various regions in 2017. The article explains the thought process behind the approach and the various support resources you have for such events. Also, we announce our new Faculty Definitions, which are now being used throughout AOSpine to create reports and eventually lead to better utilization of our esteemed group of teachers. Additionally, we would like to draw your attention to the AO Program for Education and Excellence in Research (AOPEER), a collection of resources, reference documents, and learning opportunities designed for health care professionals wanting to learn or improve the skills needed to conduct clinical research.





With best wishes,


Bryan Ashman


AOSpine Education Commission

We want to connect you with the happenings at AOSpine. Topic suggestions and feedback are encouraged. Please write to with your input.




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