FacultyFocus 1-2019

AOSpine Faculty Definitions

The Faculty Management Task Force continues to work towards improving faculty selection, faculty training opportunities, and faculty management processes.


In the constant pursuit of excellence, AOSpine is required to measure the effectiveness of all its offerings (education, research, and community development).



  • Transparent
  • Egalitarian
  • Accountable
  • Meritocratic


Without clear definitions of groups within our organization we cannot provide accurate reports, and the following definitions were created to be used as a tool to improve our educational events in the future.


These definitions are not intended to be used as roles for our teachers within our events. AOSpine events will still have chairpersons, educational advisors, faculty, moderators, guest speakers etc. Also, they do not reflect the per diem or stipend payment we make to our teachers. They are designed to utilize our best teachers and improve those faculty that wish to progress further with their educational skills.


These definitions were created by the Faculty Management Task Force and endorsed by the AOSpine Education Commission.





Faculty at an AOSpine Event

Surgeons that have had a teaching assignment at an AOSpine educational event since 2004*.


AOSpine Active Faculty

Surgeons that have had a teaching assignment at an AOSpine educational event in the last 5 years (this includes as a lecturer, case presentations, moderator, table instructor, chairperson, educational advisor, or program director)*. They must also be paying AOSpine Members.


AOSpine Trained Faculty

Surgeons that have received some form of training from AO Foundation or its Clinical Divisions (this includes T4T, faculty training, extended precourses, FEP, T4C, CEP, EA Training)*. They must also be paying AOSpine Members.


*and is tracked in our system




“The Faculty Management Task Force, an amazing group of surgeons from all over the world, working to improve the quality of the education of our faculties and to give AOSpine members the opportunity to pursue a career as faculty, developed a definition of our faculties at the same time as creating a clear pathway to improve their skills with our training programs.


These tools are important to give a clear picture of our actual situation, to show how many people are involved in the wonderful experience that is teaching other surgeons, and last but not least, are necessary in order to be prepared for the great opportunities coming over the next years when we will be developing new tools for AOSpine faculty to enable them to be up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in surgeon education.”


Juan Emmerich, Faculty Management Task Force Leader














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