
FacultyFocus 1 | 2020


The FacultyFocus newsletter features specially selected information for you as AO Trauma faculty.

The new upper extremity curriculum was launched in January 2020. Course Chairpersons have the opportunity to implement the curriculum in their upcoming events: all information and material is available in the new faculty support package.


AO Surgery Reference has a new look: the complete reference has been re-launched with a new look and navigation in early February.


The AO is a network of professionals and the opportunities for teaching have always been highly valued by its members. A group of surgeons have identified the major aspects of the value proposition of being an AO Trauma faculty.


myAO, the AO’s latest digital tool is designed to support its global network of health care professionals with many different features.


Bias is human and the unconscious bias of teachers can influence learners’ outcomes. Our 10 tips are dedicated to combating unconscious bias as faculty.


We thank you for your participation in the recent AO Opportunity, Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (ODII) survey. The ODII working group appreciates the time and energy you have invested in completing the survey and shares a summary of the survey findings and next steps.


Over the past few weeks, a number of AO Trauma courses and meetings in different parts of the world had to be postponed or canceled due to the current situation with COVID-19. We are aware that a lot of preparatory work has already flown into each of these events and we do not take the decision to cancel a course lightly.


At present, we do not yet know when we will be able to resume face-to-face course activities. In the meantime, AO Trauma explores different kinds of possibilities of online education and will start with a weekly webinar series in April. Other modes of online education are being tested and may become available over the next few months.


Thank you for your understanding and for all the great and important work you do as surgeons, OR personnel and AO faculty.




Best wishes,


Wa’el Taha MD


AO Trauma Education Commission

FacultyFocus 1 | 2020