Update from the IM Nailing Education Working Group
Access the archived webinars and webcasts on IM nailing including the following:
AOTrauma Webcast—IM Nailing in Open Tibial Fractures
(Jayaramaraju Dheenadhayalan)
AOTrauma Webcast—Suprapatellar Nailing
Rami Mosheiff
AOTrauma Webinar—Infection after Nailing
Jorge Barla
The IM Nailing Education Working Group was established by the AOTrauma Education Commission (AOTEC) to review and update education on IM nailing across all levels and activities. The group consists of Martin Hessmann (Germany), Ernest Kwek (Singapore), Sergei Taggesell Fischer (Brazil), and Michael Blauth (Austria). In line with the working group’s objectives, the specialists involved have successfully developed a new curriculum and framework for IM nailing over the past two years.
Roll-out of new educational offerings on IM nailing
The following activities have been delivered:
The working group wishes to thank all of the education taskforces and the panel of nailing experts from all regions for the input and the cases they provided during the project’s planning phase.
Would you like to use the IM Nailing curriculum materials?
Any chairperson or faculty member who is interested in using the new IM Nailing curriculum materials should send an email with a brief description of his/her needs to: michael.cunningham@aofoundation.org.
Example webinar (IM Nailing of Proximal Femoral Fractures: Michael Blauth, Daniel Rikli)
Example webcast (Open Tibial Fractures),
Curriculum Guide
An interview with
Martin Hessman
Martin Hessmann, International Program Editor (IPE) from the Working Group, spoke to us about the IM nailing project and provided some background on the creation and the goals of the group.
Why was the IM nailing Education Working Group set up?
Nailing has become the standard way of treating many fractures in the last 30–40 years, but the group felt the topic was underrepresented within AOTrauma. Nailing techniques have also evolved in the last 10–15 years, with new implants available that can address the different fractures.
What is the target audience for these nailing education offerings?
Almost all surgeons—from residents through to experts—perform some form of nailing. Our education should address their needs through face-to-face and online learning activities throughout their lifelong learning pathway. Our materials are also aimed at the faculty and chairs who are planning this education in the regions.
Is the final aim to have courses dedicated to nailing?
Most of our nailing will be integrated into other courses, for example in the Basic and Advanced Principles courses, and the various subspecialty events, where this technique serves as an important treatment option. There may be occasional, dedicated courses for more experienced nailers, like the one we held in Munich in 2014 as part of AOTrauma Europe Masters series of seminars.
How are these nailing events built and structured?
We started by listing the patient problems that nailing can address. We then defined six competencies for surgeons, as an overall framework as well as detailed objectives (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) for each level of education. We have compiled a curriculum guide and some templates, which are now being piloted. These will soon be available to chairpersons and faculty. Additionally, a full communication plan will be in place towards the end of 2015, to make the faculty worldwide aware of these resources and access to the new materials will be provided in the Faculty Support Package.
Has your group achieved any other deliverables?
Yes. There have been several webinars and webcasts on various nailing topics over the past 2 years, and we have provided support to many of the presenting faculty. The evaluation data has been very positive, and the number of participants in these events continues to grow.
Do you have any other initiatives coming soon?
Later this year, we will pilot some hospital-based education for residents and local practicing surgeons. Sergei Taggesell Fischer and Ernest Kwek will run half-day "basic" nailing seminars in their hospitals in Curitiba, Brazil, and in Singapore, and I will run an "intermediate" nailing seminar in Fulda, Germany. We look forward to gathering data from these events to share with the Residents Education Taskforce, in order to discuss the possibilities for future implementation.
www.aotrauma.com | education@aotrauma.org
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